How I as an entrepreneur found my way to Astrology Consulting
Time and again I am asked: How can it be that you, as a successful entrepreneur, now do astrological consulting?
The answer is: Simply, because both fit well together, have grown over decades and have mutually benefited each other. My life experience, my professional background, my interest in people, my knowledge of astrology and my training as a psychological astrologer intertwine. Only in this way can I offer this very special consultation that my clients appreciate so much: A symbiosis of profound analysis and pragmatic life counseling.
The initial spark
Astrologie sonnenklar – mit diesem Buch fing alles an Astrologie sonnenklar – with this book it all began
Each horoscope was a surprise and confirmation: There is a connection between the energies at birth and personal dispositions. Even today I am fascinated by what I can always “read” from a personal horoscope.
Astrology consulting as a hobby alongside the profession
In astrology, I found the answers to all the important questions in my life. In this respect, it was completely logical that I first served in the German Armed Forces after graduating from high school and then studied business administration, including a study visit to the U.S. In 1992, I joined my family’s timber business in Frankfurt/Main, which I took over at the age of 24. At the same time, astrology never left me, I traveled just as intensively and did sports – in addition to playing field hockey and tennis, I also ran various marathons. You can only do these things if you are mentally strong. And astrology has always given me mental strength because through it I knew myself well – my strengths and weaknesses, what potential I have as well as what I need to work on.
Turning point, crises & transformation
A turning point was the decision in 2006 to close the hitherto successful family business for economic reasons; the structural change in the timber industry was in full swing. I converted the timber business into a business park. In addition, I also supported young companies in their development. My management experience was valuable, but many also sought my advice because I was different from “classic” business coaches. In this phase of professional reorientation, I asked myself fundamental questions and searched intensively for my calling. This search for meaning often left me in doubt and it was a journey with personal crises and some low points, but also many new insights and great encounters. I got involved with many new topics that awakened my curiosity: For example, energy and healing work and meditation. I went on extended journeys and again and again reached my limits, physically and mentally. This personal transformation process was not an easy path, but ultimately led to what I do and am today.
On my way to vocation
The desire matured in me to deal even more profoundly with astrological counseling and I began in 2015 with a 3-year training in psychological astrology. On the first day of class, I was electrified. I had the clear and irrevocable feeling that I had found my calling and had arrived. The three-year training was a great happiness, like a puzzle, new pieces were added until the picture was complete. After the training as a psychological astrologer, DAV (Deutscher Astrologen Verband e.V.) a 6-day personality development seminar was added as a crowning conclusion: Die Heldenreise (The Hero’s Journey).
Having arrived as an Astrology Consultant
With my own website, I then started my astrological consulting in Frankfurt am Main in 2017. Every day I now experience how I can help people with my skills to find answers to many questions in their lives. To recognize themselves, to find answers to behavior patterns, to relieve them, and to show them their potential. Every analysis and every conversation is unique because every person is as individual as his or her birth chart. This makes my work exciting, varied as well as satisfying.
The creation of a personal horoscope is the beginning of a conversation with an open end. So far, every client who has engaged in an examination of himself or herself has emerged from our joint analysis with greater insight and clarity. He or she knows his or her basic tasks, recalls abilities and talents that were already inherent in him or her in childhood. Through this insight, the person now has the opportunity to draw conclusions about his or her behavior, to work on issues, and to accept or change his or her own life circumstances.
Online Astrology Consulting works
Since 2018, I have been conducting more and more consultations, increasingly via video conference due to increasing digitalization. This works so well that my work has long since left the Rhine-Main area. I am connected and reachable worldwide via LinkedIn and Xing. The popularity and very good feedback show me that with my consultations: I hit the nerve and the reality of many people’s lives who are looking for answers. Finding them together is a wonderful experience every time. Today I say: I have the most beautiful job in the world because I can follow my calling, work with people and get back everything I give.
Videos and podcast
Astrology in sound and vision
AstroEnergetics – Live Consultation, © Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main.
Konfliktfrei Holistic Coach Christiane Lünser – Online conference, © Christiane Lünser.
Psychological Astrology – A look into the stars with astrologer Ralf-Ulrich Löw – Podcast, © Theresa Salge (Instagram profile: ttalk_bytheresa)
Podcast Astrology: Who am I and what do I want? An interview with Ralf-Ulrich Löw, T-Talk – mindful talks & meditation
AstroEnergetics – Live Consultation, © Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main.
Konfliktfrei Holistic Coach Christiane Lünser – Online conference, © Christiane Lünser.
Psychological Astrology – A look into the stars with astrologer Ralf-Ulrich Löw – Podcast, © Theresa Salge (Instagram profile: ttalk_bytheresa)
Podcast Astrology: Who am I and what do I want? An interview with Ralf-Ulrich Löw, T-Talk – mindful talks & meditation